Songleader Submissions
Song leaders, please submit your songs IN ORDER in the form below. Please refer to the Hymns List and include the song's full name, on which list it falls (Hymnal or Supplemental) and its list number. You may also submit three (3) alternates in order of likelihood of use. Our thanks for your cooperation in this effort.
Sunday Morning:
We're Marching to Zion - Hymnal - 2
He Loved me So - Hymnal - 57
This World is not my Home - Hymnal - 68
Let the Spirit of the Lord - Supplemental - 2
O! Why not Tonight - Hymnal - 109
Hold to Gd's Unchanging Hand - Hymnal - 64
Sunday Evening:
Revive us Again - Hymnal - 6
Gethsemane - Hymnal - 58
Beautiful - Hymnal - 71
My God is Real - Supplemental - 1
Call Him Up - Supplemental- 13
Lord, Send Me - Hymnal - 13
Humble Thyself - Supplemental - 15
Kneel at the Cross - Hymnal - 10